You think long and hard about your school’s curriculum. Who can you trust? Who understands this ministry? Who knows the industry? Who stands by their word?

PBI Publications has been creating, designing, and printing Biblical distance learning curriculum for nearly 45 years.

“Distance learning ought to be much more than sending a video or tape lecture and giving tests.”

PBI distance learning curriculum unique LEARNING method:

A workbook with specific questions from the course textbook is completed by the student. In a sense, the student is ‘reverse outlining’ the book chapter. This increases comprehension and surpasses retention of test questions. Grading by the school is made simple! Workbook Answer Keys list the specific words that the student enters into the question blanks. Most people can grade one course in about 20 minutes!

PBI distance learning curriculum unique GRADING method:

The graded workbook can define the student grade for the course. The workbook does not typically incorporate essay questions. This allows the workbook grading to be accomplished objectively. (Essay questions require subjective thought and grading by the professor. Often this brings professor bias into a question that should be answered directly from the Bible).

Biblical Distance Education Publishing Specialists

PBI has printers suitable for small runs of 1-50 books on-demand in full-color. PBI can print your curriculum or provide you with prepared curriculum custom printed with your school imprint and logo. Printing is performed with high-end Xerox color printers with professional finishing. PBI is an expert in shipping books as well.